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How to edit computer properties in Windows 7

 How to edit computer properties in Windows 7


You have to edit string in W32UIRes.dll,

Location: C:\Windows\System32\OOBE

Edited  by cluberti
Please don't quote an image unless you plan to point something specific out in it. If you're just answering a question to a post that happens to have an image, just answer. We have folks on slow connections, be considerate.

Location: C:\Windows\System32\OOBE

But that file does not contain resources for modifying the text circled in red above. That file is for changing the setup screen.

Sorry brother I made a mistake, I have changed the name but I don't remember which dll I have edited.

  N3O said:
I hope someone over here knows.

Wrong section, one of the SMODS will move this to the Customizing Windows section. (no need to start a new thread) Maybe one of those Customizing guys can answer it off the top of his head. Or just search that forum, it is likely the same procedure as it was in Vista.


Tried to use search to find you the Vista link but URL processing will not be working until after the upgrade is complete. (think 2-3 more days)

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