ব্রেকিং নিউজ

উইন্ডোজ ৭ সেটআপ দিতে পারেন না? আসুন !

উইন্ডোজ ৭ সেটআপ দিতে পারেন না? আসুন !

বিসিমিল্লাহীর রহমানির রাহীম
আজকাল দেখা যায় যে, নিম্ম মধ্যবিত্ত থেকে শুরু করে সমাজের প্রায় সকল স্তরের লোকেরাই কমবেশী ল্যাপটপ/কম্পিউটার ব্যবহার করে থাকেন। সাধারণত কিছু দিন পর পরই এসকল ল্যাপটপ/কম্পিউটারে বহুল ব্যবহৃত অপারেটিং সিস্টেম হিসাবে উইন্ডোজ সেটআপ/ইনিষ্টল দিতে হয়।
তবে বলতে হবে যে, এখন অনেকেই আছেন যারা উইন্ডোজ ৭ সেটআপ দিতে পারেন। কিন্তু যারা এখনো পারেন না তাদের জন্যই আমি এই বইটি লিখেছি।
সাধারণত উইন্ডোজ সেটআপ দেওয়া তেমন কোন কঠিন কাজ না। কিন্তু এখনোও অনেকেই আছেন, যারা পিসিতে/ল্যাপটপে উইন্ডোজ সেটআপ দিতে পারেন না। যার ফলে কিছু দিন পর পরই সার্ভিসিং সেন্টারে ধর্ণা দিতে হয়। ঢাকাতে আমার জানামতে বর্তমানে প্রতি পিসি/ল্যাপটপকে উইন্ডোজ সেটআপ দিতে হলেই সর্বনিম্ম বিল ৫০০/- টাকা। অথচ এই কাজটি আপনি ঘরে বসেই ৩০/৪০ টাকার একটি ডিভিডি ডিক্স ব্যবহার করে মাত্র এক থেকে দেড় ঘন্টার মধ্যেই করে নিতে পারেন!
যারা এখনও উইন্ডোজ 7 সেটআপ দিতে পারেন না তাদের জন্য আশা করিছি নিচের বইটি দারুন উপকারে আসতে পারে।
Windows 7 installation সম্পর্কিত ‌এই বইটির নাম হল…… উইন্ডোজ 7 সেটআপের চিত্রসহ বিস্তারিত নিয়মাবলী

In this lab, you will install the Windows 7 or Vista operating system.

  • A computer with a blank hard disk drive
  • Windows 7 or Vista installation DVD or USB flash drive

Part 1: Windows 7 Installation

Step 1: Starting the Installation Media

a. Insert the Windows 7 installation DVD into the DVD-ROM drive or plug the USB flash drive into a USB port.

b. When the computer starts up, watch for the message Press any key to boot from CD or DVD. If the message appears, press any key on the keyboard to boot the computer from the DVD. If the press any key message does not appear, the computer automatically starts loading files from the DVD. Lab - Install Windows 7 or Vista (Answers) 53

c. The computer starts loading files from the DVD or USB flash drive. Lab - Install Windows 7 or Vista (Answers) 54

d. The Windows 7 boot screen appears. Lab - Install Windows 7 or Vista (Answers) 55

Step 2: Configuring Initial Settings

a. The Install Windows window opens. Press Next unless you need to change the default settings. Lab - Install Windows 7 or Vista (Answers) 56

b. Press Install now to continue. Lab - Install Windows 7 or Vista (Answers) 57

Step 3: Collecting Information

a. The Setup is starting… screen appears. Lab - Install Windows 7 or Vista (Answers) 58

b. The Please read the license terms window opens. Read and confirm that you accept the license by selecting I accept the license terms. Click Next. Lab - Install Windows 7 or Vista (Answers) 59

c. When the Which type of installation do you want? window opens, click Custom (advanced) to continue. Lab - Install Windows 7 or Vista (Answers) 60

d. The Where do you want to install Windows? window opens. Select the hard drive or partition on which Windows 7 will be installed. Click Next to select Disk 0 Unallocated Space, which is the default setting. Lab - Install Windows 7 or Vista (Answers) 61

Step 4: Installing Windows

a. The Installing Windows… window opens. Windows 7 Setup may take up to 50 minutes to configure your computer. Lab - Install Windows 7 or Vista (Answers) 62

b. The Windows needs to restart to continue window opens. Your computer will automatically restart or you can click Restart now. Lab - Install Windows 7 or Vista (Answers) 63

c. If you get the message Press any key to boot from CD or DVD…, do not press any key and Windows will boot from the hard disk to continue the installation. Lab - Install Windows 7 or Vista (Answers) 64

d. The Setup is updating registry settings screen appears. Lab - Install Windows 7 or Vista (Answers) 65

e. The Setup is starting services screen appears. Lab - Install Windows 7 or Vista (Answers) 66

f. The Installing Windows… window opens. Windows may reboot a few more times. This may take several minutes. Lab - Install Windows 7 or Vista (Answers) 67

Step 5: Setting up Windows

a. Type the user name and computer name provided by your instructor. Click Next. Lab - Install Windows 7 or Vista (Answers) 68

b. The Set a password for your account window opens. Type the password provided by your instructor. Retype the password and enter the password hint. Click Next. Lab - Install Windows 7 or Vista (Answers) 69

c. The Type your Windows product key window opens. On this page, type your product key. Click Next.

Note: You can find the product key on the case or sleeve in which the Windows DVD was packaged, or you can get it from your instructor. Lab - Install Windows 7 or Vista (Answers) 70

Note: If you entered your product key, Setup will not ask you the following:

Do you want to enter your product key now? If you were instructed not to enter a product key, click No.

d. In the Help protect your computer and improve Windows automatically window, click Use recommended settings. Lab - Install Windows 7 or Vista (Answers) 71

e. In the Review your time and date settings window, configure the computer clock to match your local date, time, and time zone. Click Next. Lab - Install Windows 7 or Vista (Answers) 72

f. The Select your computer’s current location window opens. Select the option provided by your instructor.

Note: This window will not show up if the installation did not correctly install drivers for the network card. Lab - Install Windows 7 or Vista (Answers) 73

g. The Windows is finalizing your settings window opens. Lab - Install Windows 7 or Vista (Answers) 74

Step 6: Logging into Windows

a. The Welcome screen appears. Lab - Install Windows 7 or Vista (Answers) 75

b. The Preparing your desktop… screen appears. Lab - Install Windows 7 or Vista (Answers) 76

c. You are logged on to Windows 7 for the first time. Lab - Install Windows 7 or Vista (Answers) 77

পার্ট 2: উইন্ডোজ ভিস্তা ইনস্টলেশন পদক্ষেপ
 1: ইনস্টলেশন মিডিয়া শুরু করা ক। ডিভিডি-রম ড্রাইভে উইন্ডোজ ভিস্তা ইনস্টলেশন ডিভিডি প্রবেশ করুন বা ইউএসবি পোর্টে ইউএসবি ফ্ল্যাশ ড্রাইভ প্লাগ করুন। খ। কম্পিউটারটি শুরু হয়ে গেলে, বার্তাটি দেখুন সিডি বা ডিভিডি থেকে বুট করতে যে কোনও কী টিপুন। চালু রাখবার জন্য যেকোনো বোতাম চাপুন. প্রেসে যদি কোনও কী বার্তা উপস্থিত না হয়, কম্পিউটার স্বয়ংক্রিয়ভাবে ফাইলটি থেকে লোড করা শুরু করে ডিভিডি Lab - Install Windows 7 or Vista (Answers) 78

c. The computer starts loading files from the DVD or USB flash drive. Lab - Install Windows 7 or Vista (Answers) 79

d. The Windows Vista boot screen appears. Lab - Install Windows 7 or Vista (Answers) 80

Step 2: Configuring the Initial Settings

a. The Install Windows window opens. Press Next unless you need to change the default settings. Lab - Install Windows 7 or Vista (Answers) 81

b. Click Install now to continue. Lab - Install Windows 7 or Vista (Answers) 82

Step 3: Collecting Information

a. The Type your product key for activation screen appears. On this page, type your product key. Click Next.

Note: You can find the product key on the case or sleeve in which the Windows DVD was packaged, or
you can get it from your instructor. Lab - Install Windows 7 or Vista (Answers) 83

Note: If you entered your product key, Setup will determine the Vista product edition to install and will not display the next two screens. Skip to step d.

b. Because you have left the product key field blank, the Do you want to enter your product key now? window opens. If you were instructed not to enter a product key, click No. Lab - Install Windows 7 or Vista (Answers) 84

c. Setup now prompts you to select the Vista version you purchased. In general, you should choose the version you purchased, but note that you can install any Vista version listed and experiment with it for a limited time before product activation requires you to activate the version you purchased.

Note: Your product key will only activate the version of Vista you purchased.

d. Select the Windows Vista version that will be installed, check the item title I have selected the edition of Windows that I purchased, and then click Next. Lab - Install Windows 7 or Vista (Answers) 85

e. The Please read the license terms window opens. Read and confirm that you accept the license by selecting the box I accept the license terms. Click Next to continue. Lab - Install Windows 7 or Vista (Answers) 86

f. The Which type of installation do you want? window opens. Click Custom (advanced). Lab - Install Windows 7 or Vista (Answers) 87

g. The Where do you want to install Windows? window opens. Select the hard drive or partition on which Windows Vista will be installed. Click Next to select Disk 0 Unallocated Space, which is the default setting. Lab - Install Windows 7 or Vista (Answers) 88

Step 4: Installing Windows Vista

a. The Installing Windows … window opens. Windows Vista Setup may take up to 50 minutes to configure your computer. Lab - Install Windows 7 or Vista (Answers) 89

b. The Windows needs to restart to continue window opens. Your computer will automatically restart or you can click Restart now. Lab - Install Windows 7 or Vista (Answers) 90

c. If you get the message Press any key to boot from CD or DVD, do not press any key and Windows will boot from the hard disk to continue the installation. Lab - Install Windows 7 or Vista (Answers) 91

d. The Please wait while Windows continues setting up your computer … screen appears. Lab - Install Windows 7 or Vista (Answers) 92

e. The Installing Windows … window opens. Windows may reboot a few more times. This may take several minutes. Lab - Install Windows 7 or Vista (Answers) 93

Step 5: Setting up Windows

a. The Choose a user name and picture window opens. Type the name provided by your instructor. Type the Administrator password provided by your instructor. When you type in a password, two new fields will appear. Retype the password and the password hint. Click Next. Lab - Install Windows 7 or Vista (Answers) 94

b. The Type a computer name and choose a desktop background window opens. Type the computer name provided by your instructor. Click Next. Lab - Install Windows 7 or Vista (Answers) 95

c. In the Help protect Windows automatically window, click Use recommended setting. Lab - Install Windows 7 or Vista (Answers) 96

d. In the Review your time and date settings window, configure the computer clock to match your local date, time, and time zone. Click Next. Lab - Install Windows 7 or Vista (Answers) 97

e. The Select your computer’s current location window opens. Select the option provided by your instructor.

Note: This screen will not show up if the installation did not correctly install drivers for the network card. Lab - Install Windows 7 or Vista (Answers) 98

f. In the Thank you window, click Start. Lab - Install Windows 7 or Vista (Answers) 99

g. The Set Up Windows section is completed.

h. The Please wait while Windows checks your computer’s performance screen appears. Lab - Install Windows 7 or Vista (Answers) 100

i. Windows Vista boots for the first time. Lab - Install Windows 7 or Vista (Answers) 101

j. The login screen appears. Enter the password that you used during the install process and click the blue arrow to login. Lab - Install Windows 7 or Vista (Answers) 102

k. The Preparing your desktop … screen appears. Your account profile is created and configured. Lab - Install Windows 7 or Vista (Answers) 103

l. The Welcome screen appears. Windows Vista is now installed. Lab - Install Windows 7 or Vista (Answers) 104

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